Digital Effects

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Photoshop Entry

This is my entry The Oasis at Worth 1000, please critique my work and let me know where you think needs more improvements.

Normally when someone thinks of water tubes the first thought that creeps into mind is a form of water transportation from one end to another. However, when I thought of water tubes, I had a different opinion. Yes it is a tube that transports water but what if the way we think about it is not how other people in other parts of the world thought of it, what if it is used differently, like a source of getting water for many other uses, example showering. The first thing I thought of along with these ideas was it being a form of waterfall at the same time providing water for people for many uses like doing laundry, bathing or even cooking.

I kind of took my idea and went even further with things. I thought of making it a form of water supply in the middle of the desert. Instead of the oasis as we have always learnt about in school; as a place that just has water and plants, and never dries up. I made it look more interesting by adding the pipe to supply water to the oasis. Now we can have better reasons to think of the oasis as what it was.

Creating my Photoshop piece. I used a lot of layers along with three pictures, just incase you don’t notice the lady sitting on the bank, bathing; she is actually an added image. I also used the opacity and the crop tool, they were really useful, I also used the transform key and other tools that I can’t really remember.

I think I did a pretty good job for someone that is not familiar with Photoshop; I hope this will be a starting point for me to get better in other Photoshop projects yet to come.


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