Digital Effects

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Anti WAL-MART!! Click Here to check it out....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Artist Lecture

Blithe Riley’s lectre I found to be exciting and very much different from what I expected. Even though she had technical difficulties that sabotage her work the challenge of getting the message across was professional. The main concept I got from her work was the concept of how things get codified according to their appearance and her belief of trying to break the realness of a physical object.

Her first exhibition the “The Shaker” was pretty much a video that I somehow generated different ideas from. Her explanations which she shared about the main focus of this project left me with an open mind. And whilst watching this video clip I started interpreting her ideas in a different way which I must say was unintentional.

”The Crawler” I thought was really amazing. I liked the fact that she changed the structures from 3-D to 2-D or a flat surface almost representing our view in life. Do we live or are we trapped in a 2-D world but visualizing things in a 3-D plane? Playing with the vision is a very clever and artistic way of proving that what you’re looking at might not really be what you are seeing?

Her last piece “The Wall” was my personal favorite. Again, Blithe played with the human eye and mind. She touch bases on the experience of how the expression of different forms of objects dicipline the viewers way of interacting with it. Illusion is a waondeful thing. She ended her presentation with a little insight of her current project were she demonstrated her challenge with the pre beliefs of certain objects. Blithe Riley line of work is rather interesting and very unique

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Rev. Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping put up a marvelous show on Friday. I personally thought that he had something going on and he did definitely reach out to some of my friends.

His main idea about shopping and how it affects the human being is an issue that most if not all of us face today in life. It is hard to believe that there are actual times when we feel like going shopping for the shake of it. We definitely pick up our credit cards drive all the way to Wal-Mart or Target just to get ourselves probably something we do not really need at that particular moment. Yes I know it is an issue! I know for a fact that sometimes we do get the feeling of treating ourselves goodies just because we feel like we deserve it failing to realize is the harm that we are causing to mankind. Rev. Billy touches briefly on this and suggests that we should remove all those Wal-Mart’s and Target’s and that should be a step forward to stop the craving for shopping.

I think Rev Billy has a strong argument as he points out the different examples that we face today socially and mentally. Politics and the American Government was a good way of making people believe in what he was saying. The event of 09/11 and the recent elections both brought the icing on top of the cake as he mentioned JUSTICE IS NOT FOR SALE as his last words.

Even though most of the time I couldn’t relate myself with what he was trying to convey, I found Rev. Billy and his choir very dramatic. They did a good job indicating their inner most feelings about the necessities of life and what we as humans should think about and start taking actions on what we think is right. If this is the only way Rev. Billy can reach out to people, informing them just how much shopping is enough then so be it. I totally support his methodology.